Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Daily Egg Round 1 Writing Challenge - Day 1

So I stumbled upon this writing challenge a few days ago and thought it'd be a good idea to participate to get back into writing again. 

But I'm changing things a bit. The challenge is 30 days memoir writing challenge. But since I'm not great with writing from a first person point of view, these will be written in a narrative format.

Day 1 - How did your first kiss come about?

He parked his car haphazardly as she jumped out of the car, fleece blanket wrapped around her like a giant fluffy armour.

"Oi! If you bruise any part of yourself, they are not on me!" He whisper-shouted as he got out of the car.

She merely laughed as she plonked herself comfortably on the grass, patting the spot on her left side.

"So where were we again?" She asked as he sat down.

"Are you sure this is what you want to be playing?"

She shrugged. "Just remember that after your thirty questions, I get to ask you the same amount with equal disregard to your privacy."

"Has anyone told you that you're crazy and weird?"

"They never really stop."

"Did you just quote Doctor Who at me?"

She grinned. "So what's your first question?"

He thought for a moment. "Ok. Something small then. How did your first kiss come about?"

"Ohhhhh. That's a good start slugger. My first kiss? It was a gorgeous summer night. I was 23 and he was 28. And it happened by the pier. Just like in the movies."

He stared expectantly at her, before realising that the pause was deliberate. "Wait. That's it? If you insist on playing this game, the least you can do is be more enthusiastic about it. Where is the beginning? The plot?"

She swatted at him and huffed. "Fine. Fine. Have at it. It was 31st January. I remember that because the both of us kept saying how we didn't expect the month to end the way it did. I was walking home after a bout of shopping and was having some zesty lemon lime ice cream, when this guy stopped me from his car. I thought he wanted some help with directions, but turns out he thought I was cute and wanted to let me know.

We made some small talk, and I found out that he was waiting for a friend to transfer movies to his hard drive and preferred waiting in his car than be up at the apartment. Next thing I know, he got out of his car, walked me back to my apartment and we ended up driving to the park nearby. The park is actually by a river, so it had this really nice cove and a hilly grassy area. Kinda like where we are now but much bigger. We walked as we talked until we came about this small pier. I finally convinced him into picking up his phone since it won't stop buzzing. He wandered off to answer his phone while I was leaning against the one of the wooden poles on the pier. It was a clear night, where you can see the moon and count the stars. The weather was just right with a slight wind, which was strange because the week had been so humid up till that night. The water was just gently lapping at the pier.

I remember thinking that it was a movie-perfect moment while laughing incredulously on the inside.

Then he came back, staring at me with this little smile on his face, before he leaned right in and kissed me.

There you have it. My First Kiss."

He shook his head as he laughed. "If the next twenty-nine stories are like this one, this isn't going to be excruciatingly embarrassing for either one of us. Just very sappy."

She quirked her lips before taking a sip of water.

"We shall see."


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